Brin de Miel, the specialist of baby awakening and childcare for children aged 2 months to 4 years.

Getting to know brin de miel Register in the nursery

Since its creation in 2018, Brin de miel has been an early childhood player recognised for its unique know-how. Responding to the new expectations of families, Brin de miel Daycare is committed to serving future generations and offering a stimulating and secure environment for your child. The Brin de miel team works for the well-being of your children around projects inspired by the work of Maria Montessori, Italian educator and doctor, and the work of Emmi Pikler, Hungarian pediatrician :

The Montessori approach

The approach emphasises autonomy, independent learning and creative exploration, as well as the child's collaboration and social responsibility: The child is encouraged to work at his/her own pace, choosing his/her own activities from a variety of options. Brin de Miel educators act as a guide for the child, rather than imposing direct instruction, and encourage the child to explore and learn independently and provide specially designed educational materials to help the child develop sensory, motor and cognitive skills.

The Pikler-Loczy approach

The Pikler-Loczy approach is based on a philosophy of respect for the child as an autonomous and competent individual. It emphasises the relationship between the Brin de Miel team and the child, which is considered crucial for the child's healthy and harmonious development. The Pikler-Loczy approach values careful observation of the child, respect for the child's individual rhythm of development, and the provision of an environment adapted to the child's needs and abilities. As a result, the child begins to move, takes initiative and experiences the effect of its movements at its own pace.

Our commitments

Une équipe bienveillante et professionnelle
Un accueil personnalisé et une relation étroite avec les familles
L'hygiène et la sécurité au cœur des préoccupations

Your child's life in the nursery

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